The Friends of Portland Fire & Rescue is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, dedicated to preserving the history of Portland Fire & Rescue, and supporting safety education and emergency response training in the Portland Metro area.
Our nonprofit was created in 1982 as "The Friends of Jeff Morris," in memory of a well loved and charismatic member of the Portland Fire Department whose joy in life was safety education for children. The first project of the "Friends" was to purchase a van that provided safety education outreach throughout the streets of Portland. The next major project of the "Friends" was developing a fire museum to preserve the long and noble history of the Portland Fire Department. In 1985 a traditional type museum was created on the north end of the central fire station in Old Town. Many donations of historic fire equipment were received, the museum moved to the Historic Belmont Firehouse (at 35th & Belmont) and expanded to include highly interactive exhibits and provide 'hands on' experiences for visitors of all ages. Please see the 'Belmont Learning Center' tab to find out more. While 'Friends' was in expansion as a nonprofit, we were approached by smaller programs that provided safety education and emergency response training, who asked if they could join our organization. Since we have similar missions, those programs became part of the Friends of Portland Fire & Rescue. You can find out more about these programs under their individual tabs. We also continue to support special projects of Portland Fire & Rescue, including much needed equipment, prizes for safety outreach campaigns, and funding for Lone Fir Cemetery's Firefighter memorial. Thank you for visiting our website. All of our programs run on volunteers, so if you find an area that's interesting to you, please contact them! To contact us: [email protected] |
Copyright © 2016-2017, Friends of Portland Fire and Rescue. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the creator. Unauthorized reproduction of this work may be subject to civil and criminal penalties.